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Last week, we added improved error messages to the cubiml compiler. This week, we’ll return to feature development and add mutability to the language and type system.

Up until now, everything in cubiml has been immutable, meaning that it is impossible to change a value once created. Mutability is often maligned since it increases the potential for bugs, but it also allows many algorithms to be expressed much more naturally and is essential for writing efficient code. We will be implementing mutability in the form of ML-style references.


Traditional imperative languages support mutability in many forms - mutable local variables, mutable struct fields, etc. However, in order to keep cubiml simple, we’ve been implementing each concept with a single dedicated feature in the type system and minimal syntactic sugar. For example, cubiml functions always take exactly one argument. If you want a function to take multiple arguments, you can instead simulate that by passing a record with multiple fields to the function.

In the same manner, all mutability in cubiml is done through the reference type. You can simulate traditional mutable fields by storing a reference in a record field, and a mutable variable by storing a reference in a variable and so on.

ML references are not quite the same as what you may be used to. They are pointers to a mutable, garbage collected storage location on the heap and support three operations:

  • ref x creates a new reference that initially holds the value x. Note that this copies the value of x to a new location and returns a pointer to that location. ref returns a pointer to a location that is initialized with the value of, rather than a pointer to the field of foo itself.
  • !r dereferences the reference r and returns whatever value is currently stored inside. This is another example where ML-style and C-style syntax differ confusingly.
  • r := x stores x inside the reference r, overwriting whatever value was previously stored there. Traditionally, this operation returns a unit value (i.e. empty record), but we’ll follow the approach of C-style assignments as Javascript does, where assignment returns the new value, since that’s easier to implement when compiling to Javascript. You’ll probably want to do things differently in your own language, but it’s an easy change to make.

Note that references may be aliased. For example, we can create a reference a and copy it to the variable b. Then any changes made via b are visible via a and vice versa, as shown in the following REPL session.

>> let a = ref 42

ref 42

>> let b = a

ref 42

>> b := 77


>> !a


We can also see that creating a reference does not affect the original value.

>> let foo = {bar = 12}


>> let r = ref

ref 12

>> r := 77





Before we add references to the core type system, we need to introduce the concept of variance. We briefly touched on this in earlier posts when dealing with function types, but it’s time to explain it in more depth.

When considering subtyping with generic types, there are two main types of type parameters, covariant and contravariant.

Covariant types are ones where the parent type follows the same subtype relationship as the type parameter. For example, if we have a generic type Foo[T] with covariant type parameter T, and we have types A and B, where A is a subtype of B, then Foo[A] is a subtype of Foo[B]. Most of the time, this is what you want.

Contravariant types are ones where the subtyping relationship is reversed. If we have types A and B, where A is a subtype of B, then Foo[B] is a subtype of Foo[A]. The most common example is the argument type of a function. Suppose you have a function that takes an A. You can call it with an A, but not with a B, since B is a supertype of A, i.e. it is less specific than A. Now consider a function that takes a B. You can call it with an A or you can call it with a B. This function is strictly more general than before, so it is a subtype of a function that requires an A. In fact, functions are contravariant in their argument type and covariant in their return type.

However, there is a third possible kind of variance: an invariant type parameter. As their name suggests, invariant type parameters do not induce any subtype relationships in their parents. If we have types A and B, where A is a subtype of B, then there is no subtype relationship between Foo[A] and Foo[B] in either direction. We can only assign one Foo to another if their type parameters are equal.

Invariant types are typically used for mutable data structures. For example, consider what variance a list type List[T] should have. If the list is immutable (read only), the answer is easy - T should be covariant. Suppose we again have types A < B, and consider List[A] and List[B]. Since we’re talking about immutable lists, the only available operation is to read from them. List[B]’s contract is that get() always returns a B. Now look at List[A]. get() returns an A, but A is a subtype of B, so it also returns a B! Therefore, List[A] is strictly more general and we have List[A] < List[B].

When the lists are mutable, everything changes. List[B]’s contract is that set() takes in a B. However List[A]’s set() method can’t handle arbitrary Bs. It can only handle A, which is a subtype of B. Therefore List[A] can’t be a subtype of List[B]. However, List[B] can’t be a subtype of List[A] either, because its get() method only returns Bs, not As. Therefore, when it comes to mutable data structures, the relevant type parameters must be invariant.

On a side note, Java infamously got this wrong with arrays when designing the original language. Despite the fact that Java’s arrays are mutable, they decided to make them covariant rather than invariant. This means that

Object[] foo = new String[1];
foo[0] = new Integer(0);

is valid Java code which compiles without errors. When you try to store the Integer in the array which can’t actually handle it (due to being created to only hold Strings), you’ll get an ArrayStoreException at runtime.

Death to invariance!

At this point, you may have noticed an issue. The biunification algorithm is all about propagating subtype constraints. In our check_heads function, when checking non-primitive types, we create new flow (i.e. subtype) relations between the component types, either in the same direction for covariant types or in the opposite direction for contravariant types. However, with an invariant type, we would have to somehow create an equality constraint between the component types instead, and biunification is incompatible with equality constraints.

The solution to this dilemma is to realize that invariance isn’t really a fundamental concept, merely a consequence of imprecision when describing a type and conflating the covariant and contravariant parts of that type.

To illustrate, let’s take the mutable list example from before and write out a pseudocode interface for it.

class List[T] {
    get(index: int) -> T;
    set(index: int, value: T) -> void; 

If we look at each method individually, there aren’t any issues. In get, T only appears as the return type, meaning that it can safely be covariant. In set, T only appears as an argument, meaning that it can safely be contravariant. The only reason we need T to be invariant is that we’re using a single type parameter for both cases.

Therefore, the solution to eliminating invariance is to replace each invariant type parameter with a pair of type parameters, one covariant and one contravariant. In this case, we might have a List[W, R] type, where the covariant R parameter describes the types that can be read from the list, while the contravariant W parameter describes the types that can be written to the list.

If this sounds a lot like how we previously handled variables in the typechecker then congratulations, you’re catching on. In fact, this is also how we solve the problem of ensuring that the new W parameter is constrained to be a subtype of the R parameter - that is that every read from the list can see every type written to that list. We can leverage the existing design of the typechecker by just creating a variable node and using its two “ends” as the two type parameters!


As usual, we start by adding the new operations to the AST.

     LetRec(Vec<VarDefinition>, Box<Expr>),
     Literal(Literal, Spanned<String>),
     Match(Box<Expr>, Vec<(Spanned<CaseMatchPattern>, Box<Expr>)>, Span),
+    NewRef(Box<Expr>, Span),
     Record(Spanned<Vec<(Spanned<String>, Box<Expr>)>>),
+    RefGet(Spanned<Box<Expr>>),
+    RefSet(Spanned<Box<Expr>>, Box<Expr>),


When it comes to adding the new syntax to the language grammar, the main complication is deciding which precedence to use. There were a few considerations when I was choosing precedence levels:

  • Dereferencing is a simple operation that you’ll likely want to do frequently and inside of more complex expressions. For example, if you have two int references a and b, you’ll probably want to be able to add their values, so stuff like !a + !b should work without requiring parenthesis. Likewise, p := !p + 1 needs to work.
  • You should be able to easily dereference chains of nested references, e.g. !!r.
  • However, making dereferencing a SimpleExpr causes a conflict with field access, since it makes code like !a.b ambiguous - should it be (!a).b or !(a.b)? I think most people will expect the latter, so I put it in a new precedence level in between SimpleExpr and CaseExpr.
  • ref x uses the same syntax as function calls (f x), so it seems like it would make sense to give it the same precedence as function calls, but doing so causes conflicts, and that wouldn’t work well in any case since function calls are left associative. Therefore, I put it one level up under CaseExpr, which still allows for desirable syntax like passing references to a function call (f ref x) and creating references to a case type (ref `Foo {}).
  • It’s rarely useful to take the value of a reference assignment (r := x), so I put that at the lowest level of precedence.
  • In the case of a := b := c, it makes no sense to parse it as (a := b) := c, so the left hand side needs to at least be a CompareExpr. However, assigning to the result of an operator makes no sense (they only return primitive types anyway), so I bumped the left hand side all the way up to CallExpr.

Anyway, with all that out of the way, here are the new grammar rules.

@@ -113,6 +113,20 @@ LetRec: Box<ast::Expr> = {
+NewRef: Box<ast::Expr> = {
+    Spanned<("ref" CaseExpr)> => {
+        let ((_, expr), span) = <>;
+        Box::new(ast::Expr::NewRef(expr, span))
+    }
+RefGet: Box<ast::Expr> = {
+    "!" <Spanned<RefExpr>> => Box::new(ast::Expr::RefGet(<>))
+RefSet: Box<ast::Expr> = {
+    <Spanned<CallExpr>> ":=" <Expr> => Box::new(ast::Expr::RefSet(<>))
 MultOpSub: (ast::OpType, ast::Op) = {
     "*" => (ast::OpType::IntOp, ast::Op::Mult),
     "/" => (ast::OpType::IntOp, ast::Op::Div),
@@ -167,9 +181,14 @@ SimpleExpr = {
     "(" <Expr> ")",
-CaseExpr = {
+RefExpr = {
+    RefGet,
+CaseExpr = {
+    RefExpr,
+    NewRef,
 CallExpr = {
@@ -194,6 +213,8 @@ Expr = {
+    RefSet,
 TopLevelItem: ast::TopLevel = {

Type nodes

Now comes the most interesting part - adding references to the type system. This of course involves a new variant in the type node head enums:

     VFunc { arg: Use, ret: Value },
     VObj { fields: HashMap<String, Value> },
     VCase { case: (String, Value) },
+    VRef { write: Option<Use>, read: Option<Value> },
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 enum UTypeHead {
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ enum UTypeHead {
     UFunc { arg: Value, ret: Use },
     UObj { field: (String, Use) },
     UCase { cases: HashMap<String, Use> },
+    URef { write: Option<Value>, read: Option<Use> },

Recall that references contain two component types: a covariant type indicating the type of values read from the reference and a contravariant type indicating the type of values writable to that reference. However, in our language, any given use of a reference is either a read or a write, not both. Therefore, we need to make the use type head parameters optional. This lets us represent a read to a reference by UTypeHead{write: None, read: Some(T)} and a write to a reference by UTypeHead{read: None, write: Some(T)}.

As far as the value type head goes, there’s no particular need to make the parameters optional, but we’ve done so here anyway for consistency. This also has the nice side effect of making it possible to represent read-only or write-only reference values. Our language doesn’t have any syntax to actually create such values, but it’s still a useful demonstration of how to do it, should you want to add them to your own language.

Read-only and write-only reference types are particularly useful in a language which supports explicit type annotations (so far omitted from cubiml for simplicity). For example, you could create a mutable reference and then manually assign it a read-only reference type before passing it to some other code to statically ensure that that code does not modify the reference you passed it.

Next, we add references to our check_heads implementation.

(&VRef { read: r1, write: w1 }, &URef { read: r2, write: w2 }) => {
    if let Some(r2) = r2 {
        if let Some(r1) = r1 {
            out.push((r1, r2));
        } else {
            return Err(TypeError::new2(
                "TypeError: Reference is not readable.\nNote: Ref is made write-only here",
                "But is read here.",
    if let Some(w2) = w2 {
        if let Some(w1) = w1 {
            // flip the order since writes are contravariant
            out.push((w2, w1));
        } else {
            return Err(TypeError::new2(
                "TypeError: Reference is not writable.\nNote: Ref is made read-only here",
                "But is written here.",

As mentioned previously, cubiml does not have any syntax for creating read-only or write-only references, so it is not actually possible to reach these checks. However, I’ve included them here anyway for the sake of illustration.

@@ -88,6 +118,7 @@ fn check_heads(lhs: &(VTypeHead, Span), rhs: &(UTypeHead, Span), out: &mut Vec<(
                 VFunc { .. } => "function",
                 VObj { .. } => "record",
                 VCase { .. } => "case",
+                VRef { .. } => "ref",
             let expected = match rhs.0 {
                 UBool => "boolean",
@@ -97,6 +128,7 @@ fn check_heads(lhs: &(VTypeHead, Span), rhs: &(UTypeHead, Span), out: &mut Vec<(
                 UFunc { .. } => "function",
                 UObj { .. } => "record",
                 UCase { .. } => "case",
+                URef { .. } => "ref",

To round out the implementation in the typechecker core, we need to add references to the pair of match expressions used to display types when generating error messages, and add the constructor functions to the public interface.

pub fn reference(&mut self, write: Option<Use>, read: Option<Value>, span: Span) -> Value {
    self.new_val(VTypeHead::VRef { write, read }, span)
pub fn reference_use(&mut self, write: Option<Value>, read: Option<Use>, span: Span) -> Use {
    self.new_use(UTypeHead::URef { write, read }, span)


Lastly, we need to add support in the typechecker frontend. (We also have to add support in codegen and the demo UI, but as always, I’m not covering those here.)

NewRef(expr, span) => {
    let expr_type = check_expr(engine, bindings, expr)?;
    let (read, write) = engine.var();
    engine.flow(expr_type, write)?;
    Ok(engine.reference(Some(write), Some(read), *span))

The frontend implementation should be pretty straightforward if you’ve been following along so far. As usual, we first typecheck the subexpressions, then create the relevant use type and add a flow constraint to it.

The only tricky part is in NewRef where we create a variable and use both “ends” of the variable as the two type parameters of the reference, as described previously. As far as the others go, RefGet is pretty much the same as FieldAccess, just with a reference use type instead of a record use type, while RefSet is a bit similar to how function calls are handled.

RefGet((expr, span)) => {
    let expr_type = check_expr(engine, bindings, expr)?;

    let (cell_type, cell_bound) = engine.var();
    let bound = engine.reference_use(None, Some(cell_bound), *span);
    engine.flow(expr_type, bound)?;
RefSet((lhs_expr, lhs_span), rhs_expr) => {
    let lhs_type = check_expr(engine, bindings, lhs_expr)?;
    let rhs_type = check_expr(engine, bindings, rhs_expr)?;

    let bound = engine.reference_use(Some(rhs_type), None, *lhs_span);
    engine.flow(lhs_type, bound)?;

And that’s it for this week. Next week, we’ll cover how to add inexhaustive case matching and record extension to the type system (and by extension, the language).

Next post: Subtype Inference by Example Part 9: Match Wildcards, Record Extension and Row Polymorphism

Previous post: Subtype Inference by Example Part 7: Spanned Error Messages