Why You Need Subtyping
The problem with type aliases
Designing type inference for high quality type errors
Four limitations of Rust's borrow checker
The Inconceivable Types of Rust: How to Make Self-Borrows Safe
What are GADTs and why do they make type inference sad?
Identifying Rust's collect::<Vec<_>>() memory leak footgun
How I came second out of 999 in the Salem Center prediction market tournament without knowing anything about prediction markets, and what I learned along the way - Part 2
How I came second out of 999 in the Salem Center prediction market tournament without knowing anything about prediction markets, and what I learned along the way - Part 1
Tokio, FuturesUnordered, and the Thundering Herd Problem
Fixing the Next 10,000 Aliasing Bugs
Fixing the Next Thousand Deadlocks: Why Buffered Streams Are Broken and How To Make Them Safer
An Unfortunate Experience with Rust
When Type Annotations Are Code Too
Implicit Overflow Considered Harmful (and how to fix it)
When Zero Cost Abstractions Aren't Zero Cost
How I Hacked Google App Engine: Anatomy of a Java Bytecode Exploit
An experiment in automatic syntax error correction
Subtype Inference by Example Part 15: Monomorphic Type Annotations
Subtype Inference by Example Part 14: Type Annotations— What are they good for?
Subtype Inference by Example Part 13: Conditional Flow Constraints, Presence Polymorphism, and Type Level Computation
Subtype Inference by Example Part 12: Flow Typing and Mixed Comparison Operators
Subtype Inference by Example Part 11: The Value Restriction and Polymorphic Recursion
Subtype Inference by Example Part 10: Let Polymorphism
Subtype Inference by Example Part 9: Match Wildcards, Record Extension and Row Polymorphism
Subtype Inference by Example Part 8: Mutability
Subtype Inference by Example Part 7: Spanned Error Messages
Subtype Inference by Example Part 6: Numeric Types and Operators
Subtype Inference by Example Part 5: Incremental Reachability
Subtype Inference by Example Part 4: The Typechecker Core
Subtype Inference by Example Part 3: The Typechecker Frontend
Subtype Inference by Example Part 2: Parsing and Biunification
Subtype Inference by Example Part 1: Introducing CubiML
Improving compile speed: the dark arts
Solution to the besquare crypto challenge
Ref patterns, destructuring, and invisible borrows
How ES6 classes really work and how to build your own
Solving the Traveling Pacman Problem
Rust is self driving C++
Generating 64 bit hash collisions to DOS Python
How copying an int made my code 11 times faster
Optimizing Rc memory usage in Rust
Parallelizing Enjarify in Go and Rust
Rust makes implicit invariants explicit
My experience rewriting Enjarify in Rust